Phones2udirect, Phoneboxdirect, Coolnewmobile, Simply3g, The Mobile Outlet.

Phones2udirect's current situation
Their annual report 2006
What to do before you send your cashback claim
The 6 month, 9 month and 12 invoice con
What to do if they refuse your claim or ignore you
Phones2udirect old terms and conditions
Arguments for your claim in court
Making a claim in court for dummies
Tell us your story
Other links

If you are taking the company who sold you the phone to court, you will probably find it useful to refer to the current OFCOM regulations.  Their current T&C comply with them but not the previous ones.



Sales incentives

If any part of the offer to the consumer contains a sales incentive, the consumer must

be provided with a clear written statement as to which legal entity (i.e. dealer or

mobile operator) is making the offer and is undertaking to meet that obligation. The

terms of the offer must be clearly and prominently stated in writing, be made in good

faith and not be unduly restrictive.

For example, in relation to a cash back offer, the following terms should be regarded

as unreasonable:

- a requirement that the customer submits their original statements – copies of

statements should be acceptable proof;

- charge for processing a cash back claim;

- a requirement that cash back claims are submitted within an unreasonably short

period (such as anything less than 60 days, for example);

- terms stating that a cash back payment will not be made if the customer has an

outstanding balance on their account.

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